Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017


The speaker in this ted is kelly, she talks about strees. She said that she is a health psycologist, and her mission is to help people be happier and healthier. For years she has been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically, she has turned stress into the enemy, but  she has changed her mind about stress, and   she wants to change yours.
The speaker talks about the study that made her rethink her whole approach to stress. She tells the audiences about some bad news first. People who experienced a lot of stress in the previous year had a 43 percent increased risk of dying, but that was only true for the people who also believed that stress is harmful for your health. People who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no more likely to die. In fact, they had the lowest risk of dying of anyone in the study, including people who had relatively little stress. Now the researchers estimated that over the eight years they were tracking deaths, 182,000 Americans died prematurely, not from stress, but from the belief that stress is bad for you.

From the researches that the speaker explain in the ted, a belief about stress can make so much difference to someone's life expectancy. How would that extend to advice, like, if someone is making a lifestyle choice between, say, a stressful job and a non-stressful job, does it matter which way they go.  It's equally wise to go for the stressful job so long as you believe that you can handle it, in some sense, and one thing we know for certain is that chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort. And the speaker says that's really the best way to make decisions, is go after what it is that creates meaning in your life and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows.

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