Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

The Problems of English Language Teaching in Indonesia (PART I)

1. Curriculum changed

Curriculum in Indonesia is always changes for many times. According to Prihantoro (2015, p.79),
Since 1945, the curriculum has changed several times, namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006, and 2013. The development of the curriculum can be mapped into six periods, namely: (1) Curriculum 1975; (2) Curriculum 1986; (3) Curriculum 1994; (4) Curriculum 2004; (5) school based curriculum (SBC) which refers to the National Education Standards, and (6) Curriculum 2013.

The main objective of curriculum development is not only to produce teaching, but also to  improve the quality of education standards. Yet every curriculum renewal has still shortage in line.

The  implementation of curriculum has created some controversies in role, not only in KTSP, but also in curriculum 2013. The implementation of KTSP is not appropriate between the goals of the curriculum, especially in the teaching of English in Indonesia in general, and the evaluation used to measure the success of the teaching and learning process. For example, the implementation of the National Examination (UN) for the student in grade 9 and 12, which only tests listening and reading, has misled the direction of the teaching and learning of English in Indonesia (Putra, 2014, p. 66). There are four skills in English; listening, speaking, writing, and reading, but teachers only focus on the listening and writing as the preparing of the National Examination. So, the students do not practice to use the language in communication in the classroom which are commonly found. Whereas, the implementation of the curriculum 2013 has created considerable confusion of teachers, especially for among teachers who are in line of the curriculum implementation. The main causes of the confusion are most likely that teachers have not been equipped with sufficient training and resources, and also the curriculum 2013 is  introduced too quickly without sufficient time for understanding the concepts, curriculum content, and how training would be managed for teachers (Chodidjah, 2015, p. 43). Therefore, curriculum considered as one of the big  problem that faced in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Indonesia.

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